Enrollment Information
We are now enrolling new students for the next school year 2023 - 2024! Currently there are two methods to enroll for the next school year. The first day of school is August 14, 2023.
Online: https://enroll.lausd.net/ (Other forms that are required might not be on the online enrollment page.)
In-Person: Receive an enrollment packet from our main office and turn in once it is complete. Please bring in documents and a form of identification (I.D., Driver’s License)
Contact Bryan Gonzalez for more information or to schedule a date to turn in paperwork.
Main Office: 323-276-1440
The main office is now open from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
Both methods will require the same documents:
Proof of Age - Birth certificate, Baptismal certificate, Passport, Court order
Proof of Residence–Utility bill, Official government mail (Medi-Cal, CalWORKS), Voter registration
Proof of Immunizations – Current immunization card/documents, make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Please use these links if you have any questions or concerns regarding immunizations.
Special Needs Students - Parents of students with a special education placement should provide a copy of the most current IEP.
Please use these links if you have any concerns or questions regarding enrollment:
Grade Placement: https://agecalculator.lausd.net/
Resident School Placement: https://rsi.lausd.net/ResidentSchoolIdentifier/
Immunizations: https://www.shotsforschool.org/k-12/
Español: https://www.shotsforschool.org/espanol/